
Delivery of Legal Services

SALI & Legal Language

SALI (Standards Advancement for the Legal Industry) is a mission-critical initiative. SALI has LexFusion’s unqualified support.

Our industry has held itself back with a Tower-of-Babel-like approach to language. Among other consequences, this has resulted in bad data and even worse information—information being data organized so as to be useful for decision making. The path out of this data morass is flexible standards that can mapped onto any custom taxonomy, and vice versa. That’s SALI.

SALI is a taxonomy that can sit on top of whatever else a firm/company/vendor is doing, introducing heretofore unavailable opportunities for analysis and interoperability. SALI should not be confused with efforts to standardized legal language or forms (e.g., Bonterms, OneNDA). Those initiatives also have merit. But, unlike SALI, they strike a sensitive cord with many lawyers who style themselves linguistic artisans—for reasons worth exploring.